Large white dog running in the park off the lead

Are you struggling with recall training for your dog? Recall training is undoubtedly one of the most crucial behaviours you can teach your dog.

Recall training is more about keeping your dog safe than merely getting them to come back when called. It's an essential command; it can prevent a dog from eating something harmful, running onto busy roads, getting injured, or hurting others.

Training your dog to come to you when called can be a lengthy process, requiring consistent effort over the years.

One of the best methods to teach your dog recall is with a training collar!

What is a Training Collar?

A training collar (often called an e-collar) is a system comprising a remote control and a receiver worn by your dog.

The remote allows for manual training. It works effectively when training your dog on non-repetitive issues such as recall, rough play, and jumping. It also allows you to train your dog in larger areas, like a park rather than just your home or garden.

Training collars come with three different modes of distraction and the ability to customise a level to suit your dog.

Shop training collars here: Training Collars

What is the Difference Between a Bark Collar & a Training Collar?

The difference between a training collar and a bark collar is that a bark collar will only address excessive barking, whereas a training collar can address behaviours beyond barking.

A training collar is an ideal tool for recall training because it uses manual training to ensure your dog returns to you. You'll have much more control when issuing the distraction to your dog.

How Do You Use a Training Collar for Recall?

These are the three steps you need to follow to train that rock-solid recall in your dog.

1. Find the Right Setting

Training collars usually have different distractions and the ability to customise the level of the distraction for your dog's nature. Most commonly, a training collar will have Sound, Vibration, and Static as modes.

Depending on your dog (breed and nature), each dog will react differently to the distractions. You'll need to identify a suitable setting for your dog. Ideally, it should be just enough for your dog to notice the distraction and stop what they're doing.

Start with the lowest mode and intensity (i.e. Sound at level 1), then observe your dog's reaction. They may stop and look around, turn their head, or shake their head.

If they don't react to the distraction, gradually increase the level or mode of distraction. The ideal setting is one high enough for your dog to notice.

Note: Large and stubborn dogs may require a higher distraction level.

2. Introduce the Commands

Once you have the perfect intensity level for your dog, it's time to teach recall!

Let your dog explore a safe space with a lead and let them engage in exploring.

Call "here" (or any other word you prefer for recall) in a normal tone and send a distraction while gently pulling your dog towards you.

If they don't return to you, repeat the "here" command, send another distraction, and gently pull your dog towards you.

When your dog returns to you, give plenty of praise, and wait a moment before allowing them to explore again. Use the command "ok" (or any word for release) to allow your dog to resume exploring.

3. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat!

Repeat this process consistently and use the same sequence every time.

The sequence is the verbal command "here," send a distraction, gently pulling the lead towards you.

Be sure to praise, then release with your verbal command.

Stop using the training collar and pressure on the lead as soon as your dog starts moving towards you.

Be consistent with this sequence; your dog will associate all these actions together. Skipping any step may lead to confusion.

What Does Successful Recall Training Look Like?

Your dog's recall should improve after practising this numerous times in various locations, surrounded by different triggers.

You'll know they are improving when they respond immediately to your "here" command.

Be Consistent With Dog Recall Training

Being consistent is the most crucial factor for successful recall training! Consider these additional tips:

  • Ensure your dog comes back to you on your command without stopping halfway, changing direction, or stopping out of reach. They should come back close enough for you to touch them.
  • Avoid over-training. If you command "here" too frequently, they may stop leaving your side altogether.
  • Give your dog time to sniff, explore, and be engrossed in their environment before calling them back. Keep the calls random and varying in length before you call them back.

General Dog Recall Training Tips

Both dogs and humans learn best with daily practice — ideally, practice recall about five times a week.

Keep sessions to around 20 minutes, but high-energy dogs may benefit from longer sessions or training twice daily.

Allow your dog to relax after training to help them retain more information for next time!

What is the Best E-Collar for Recall Training?

The best training collar should:

  • Properly fit your dog's neck.
  • Have all the features needed for your lifestyle.
  • Have different modes and levels of distraction to suit your dog.
  • Be easy to use.

Check out our extensive range of training collars here and start training!

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