High energy dog jumping over a fence

Owning and loving a dog with extremely high energy can be both a blessing and a challenge. Not only are they always on the go—it means you are too! If you’re struggling to find new ways to manage this issue, then you have come to the right place! The good news is that exercise is not the only solution!

Here are a few tips to help you and your family find a happy balance between your routine and your dog's energetic life! Before we begin, let go of the idea that the only way to curb your dog's energy is running! Just like humans, there are several actions that allow our minds and bodies to relax.

Keep Calm and Talk Softly

Our dogs feed off the energy we project. If we, as their family, act overly excited, so will they! Understanding and managing our dogs’ behaviour is a key aspect of a long and happy bonded relationship.

"High energy dogs can become very excited by high-pitched voices and sudden, jerky, or random movements. Even though it can be difficult at the time, the calmer and more relaxed we are, the easier it will be for our hyperactive dogs to calm down.” - Positive Pets, 2018

To encourage this method, we suggest using different tones for different occasions. When you enter the home (hoping to avoid the jumping, high-energy behaviour), talk slowly and calmly in a monotone voice. This encourages your dog to understand that affection and excitement can be shown in alternative ways instead of at full speed. When needing your dog to listen and understand commands, speak assertively. No sudden tone changes or spike in pitch. When starting your walk or play, ease your voice and energy from zero to full over a period of time. This helps your dog to understand they have time and do not need to rush around to enjoy their time out of the house.

When wanting your dog to sleep or rest, repeat your words and say them gently in a soft tone.

Offer Your Dog Mental Training

Mental training, otherwise known as ‘Mental Stimulation’, can come in many forms and is proven to be most successful when treats or food are involved! The added element of reward kicks your dog's mind into gear as the end goal is now desirable for them as well.

“Right up there with reinforcing calm behaviour is mental exercise. Think back to a time when you were studying for an exam. On those days, you may not have been physically active, yet you probably felt very tired after studying. Mental exercise can be just as or more tiring than physical exercise.” - Positive Pets, 2018

Although it may sound like a foreign topic, you have probably already begun this style of dog training. Mental training can include learning sit, stay, drop, roll, etc. The key has been getting your dog to use their mind to successfully complete tasks. This is no different when introducing interactive puzzles, clickers, lick mats, or responsive toys.

Here at eDog, we have so many on offer to begin this chapter of your dog training! Take the interactive puzzles for example, with different intensity levels they completely engage your dog's mind and get them working hard to not only find the treat but also engage their sensory system to win! Follow the link to view our range!

The Kong is also another great mental stimulation tool. With the option for your dog to hold, lick, and chew, the Kong is a global success! It wins the hearts of dogs and dog lovers over and over again.

Reward Calm Behaviour

It may sound strange; however… IT WORKS!

Dogs love attention, but we seem to always give it to them at the wrong times. When they are calm, we leave them be, and when they are over-excited or in our faces, we spend time touching them and talking to them. Most of the time they cannot comprehend the difference between receiving good or bad attention. Next time your dog is sitting quietly or in a generally calm mood, reward them.

“One of the best things we can do to make living with a hyperactive dog easier is to reward our dog for calm behaviour. For example, if your hyperactive dog is actually laying down, reward her calmly. This reward may be in the form of calm verbal praise, in some cases a low value treat or short calm massaging touch.” - Positive Pets 2018

If your pet dog follows you for more, simply turn your head the other way! This method of dog training is all about rewarding calm behaviour, not friendly treat-hunting behaviour.

Purposeful Exercise

Rather than letting our dogs run wild through the park, try purposeful exercise! This gets not only your dog's legs moving but also their mind working. Choose a park with play equipment and run your dog through with a treat in your hand! The more your dog needs to balance, assess, and work hard to make its way through a playground, the more stimulation your dog gets!

If you do not have play equipment near you, run your own training course! It saves you miles as well as strengthens the bond between you and your dog. Encourage things like sit, stay while you walk away with the treat. It's the thought of the game that tires your dog out!

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